Available commands

Characters commands

Character commands allow you to change your character's skin during the current live stream, just type the commands in your streamer's live chat.

Some characters commands only work with the sub rank you can get through your streamer's Twitch channel. To find out more, click here.

All commands

In this section, you’ll find a complete list of character commands available for your stream. These commands allow you and your viewers to change character appearances in real-time during the live stream by simply typing the appropriate command in the chat.

Some of these commands are exclusive to subscribers, providing them with special access to certain characters. Explore the table below to discover all the commands and which ones require a subscription for use!

Batman!batmanrequiredRead more
Black Panther!blackpantherrequiredRead more
C3PO!c3porequiredRead more
Captain America!captainamericarequiredRead more
Captain Marvel!captainmarvelrequiredRead more
Darth Vader!vaderrequiredRead more
Donald Trump!trumpoptionalRead more
Dr Strange!drstrangerequiredRead more
Fan!fanoptionalRead more
Groot!grootrequiredRead more
Hulk!hulkrequiredRead more
Jawa!jawarequiredRead more
Joe Biden!bidenoptionalRead more
Knight!knightrequiredRead more
Mandalorian!mandalorianrequiredRead more
Peasant!peasantoptionalRead more
Princess!princessrequiredRead more
R2D2!r2d2requiredRead more
Santa!santaoptionalRead more
Skeleton!skeletonoptionalRead more
Snowman!snowmanoptionalRead more
Spiderman!spidermanrequiredRead more
Super Fan!superfanrequiredRead more
Superman!supermanrequiredRead more
The Child!thechildrequiredRead more
Thor!thorrequiredRead more
Wonder Woman!wonderwomanrequiredRead more

Free commands

The sub. is optional, so these commands to type in the chat are free.

Fan!fanRead more
Joe Biden!bidenRead more
Peasant!peasantRead more
Santa!santaRead more
Skeleton!skeletonRead more
Snowman!snowmanRead more
Trump!trumpRead more

Sub. commands

The sub. is required, so these commands to type in chat are limited.

Batman!batmanRead more
Black Panther!blackpantherRead more
C3PO!c3poRead more
Captain America!captainamericaRead more
Captain Marvel!captainmarvelRead more
Darth Vader!vaderRead more
Donald Trump!trumpRead more
Dr Strange!drstrangeRead more
Groot!grootRead more
Hulk!hulkRead more
Jawa!jawaRead more
Knight!knightRead more
Mandalorian!mandalorianRead more
Princess!princessRead more
R2D2!r2d2Read more
Spiderman!spidermanRead more
Super Fan!superfanRead more
Superman!supermanRead more
The Child!thechildRead more
Thor!thorRead more
Wonder Woman!wonderwomanRead more
Action commands